Antigua & BARBUDA Citizenship By Investment

Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Programme

Antigua and Barbuda is an independent Commonwealth state in the Eastern Caribbean. With some 365 beaches of clean turquoise waters, the lush tropical islands of Antigua and Barbuda are an inviting paradise and considered to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. As a result, tourism is the key driver of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and generates around 60% of the island’s income, with key target markets being the U.S., Canada and Europe.

Antigua and Barbuda is a member of the United Nations, the British Commonwealth, Caricom and the Organisation of American States (OAS) among many other international organisations. Holders of the Antigua and Barbuda passport enjoy visa free travel to approximately 150 countries, including the U.K. and the countries of the Schengen area.

The Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU) was established by the Honourable Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda and is the Government authority responsible for processing all applications for Agent’s Licenses, and all applications for Citizenship by Investment by applicants and their family.

Qualified Dependants

Applications for family inclusion will be assessed to encompass the following family members:

1. The spouse of the primary applicant.

2. Any child of the primary applicant or their spouse aged 0-30, who is financially reliant on the primary applicant.

3. Any child of the primary applicant or their spouse, aged 18 or older, with a physical or mental handicap, residing with and fully supported by the primary applicant.

4. A parent or grandparent of the primary applicant or their spouse, aged 55 or older, financially dependent on the primary applicant.

5. An unmarried sibling of the primary applicant or their spouse.

6. A prospective spouse of the primary applicant (subject to a $50,000 application fee).

7. A future spouse of dependent children financially reliant on the primary applicant.

8. A future child of a dependent child (with fees of $10,000 for children under 6 and $20,000 for children aged 6-17).

In the context of the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Programme, 'child' is defined as a biological or legally adopted child of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant.

Antigua and Barbuda Passport

The passport will be valid for a period of 5 years and will be considered for renewal subject to the recipient having spent a total of 5 days in Antigua and Barbuda, since gaining citizenship, within the 5 year period. 

The passport does not afford automatic voting rights and persons would need to qualify as outlined in the Representation of the People Act.

1- University of the West Indies (UWI) Fund

The UWI Fund option serves as a means of financing the establishment of the University of the West Indies' fourth landed campus.

Those opting for this choice within the Citizenship by Investment Programme must commit to a US$150,000 investment for a family consisting of six (6) or more members (with the minimum number of persons per application set at 6).

Choosing this option grants one family member a one-year scholarship covering tuition fees at the University of the West Indies.

The application process is uncomplicated, and interested individuals can obtain application forms from a locally licensed agent authorized by the Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU).

Contribution to the University of the West Indies (UWI) Fund 

A. For a family of 6:-

US$150,000 contribution (inclusive of processing fees)

B. Family of 7 or more:-

US$150,000 Contribution

Processing Fees: US$15,000 for each additional dependent

2- NDF

The National Development Fund (NDF) is a non-profit fund subject to parliamentary oversight through a biannual report submitted to Parliament, providing detailed information for transparency and accountability. Additionally, the fund undergoes auditing by an internationally recognized accounting firm.

Established under section 42(2) of the Finance Administration Act 2006, the NDF aims to finance government-sponsored projects, including public-private partnerships and approved charitable investments.

To acquire citizenship through the NDF investment option, applicants must make a one-time contribution of at least US$100,000 to the National Development Fund. The primary applicant can include a spouse, dependent children, and dependent parents over 55 years without an additional NDF contribution, although government and due diligence fees apply for each individual, as outlined in the fees section.

The application process is simple, and interested individuals can obtain application forms from a locally authorized agent licensed by the Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU).

Contribution to the National Development Fund:

A. Single applicants or families of 4 or fewer members

- Contribution: US$100,000

- Processing fees: US$30,000

B. Families with 5 or more members:

- Contribution: US$125,000

- Processing Fees: US$30,000, with an additional US$15,000 for each dependent from the 5th onwards."

3- Real Estate

Individuals seeking citizenship through the real estate option have three pathways to qualify. They can opt for single ownership by acquiring property with a minimum value of US$400,000. Alternatively, two applicants may jointly purchase property valued at a minimum of US$400,000, with each contributing no less than US$200,000. In this case, the title to the property will be held jointly. Another option for applicants is to acquire property with a minimum value of US$200,000 under single or individual ownership.

For a single applicant, or a family of 4 or less

Processing fees: US$30,000

For a family of 5 or more:

Processing Fees: US$15,000 for each additional dependent

Ownership of real estate for beneficial purposes is allowed through a non-profit company, provided that the company has allocated all its authorized shares to the applicant(s), is legally established and in good standing under Antigua and Barbuda laws. Additionally, it should not be an exempt or offshore entity and must provide indisputable evidence of its beneficial ownership, certified by the Registrar of Companies.

Since this application option involves real estate acquisition, the processing time may vary depending on the chosen property. The real estate cannot be resold until five years after purchase unless an alternative officially approved property in Antigua and Barbuda is acquired.

To apply for citizenship through real estate investment, submit the application to the Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU) after signing a binding purchase and sale agreement with an approved project developer. This agreement is contingent upon the approval of the citizenship application.

Upon application submission, payment of due diligence fees and 10% of the government processing fee is required. Upon approval, the remaining government processing fee and all sums owed to the developer under the sale and purchase agreement must be paid to register the title in your name and implement the proposed real estate investment according to CIU guidelines.

A certificate of registration will be issued for the primary applicant and their family members upon receipt, which must be submitted to the passport office along with the application and any supporting documents.

Your agent/representative will inform you of available dates to either:

1. Visit Antigua and Barbuda to collect your passport and take the oath or affirmation of allegiance.

2. Visit an Embassy, High Commission, or Consular Office of Antigua and Barbuda to collect your passport and take the oath or affirmation of allegiance. Link to Embassies/High Commissions/Consular Offices can be found on an alternate page.

Approved Areas

Section 6 of the Citizenship by Investment Act of 2013 outlines the procedure for the approval of real estate projects for investment under the Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP). Periodically, the government will designate authorized development zones (as per R6.1) and subsequently sanction specific projects within these zones. These endorsed projects become eligible for investment by individuals participating in the Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP), as specified in R6.2.

The catalog of approved areas for investment includes:



Approved Areas (Map)

Click here for the map and list of approved Real Estate Areas - "Antigua Government Link"

pdf source

Business Investment

The Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU) recommends businesses, whether existing or proposed, to the Cabinet for approval as part of the Citizenship by Investment Programme.

There are two business investment options:

1. A principal applicant can invest at least US$1,500,000 in an approved business.

2. A minimum of two individuals can jointly invest at least US$5,000,000 in an approved business, with each person contributing at least US$400,000. The application for Citizenship by Investment may be submitted on behalf of the principal applicant or joint investors through an agent.

Once the business investment receives approval, the CIU will review citizenship applications. The application process mirrors that of the National Development Fund (NDF). Upon submitting your application, you are required to pay due diligence fees and 10% of the government processing fees. After receiving a letter of approval, the remaining government processing fees and the business investment amount must be paid within 30 days. Given the diverse nature of such investments, an escrow agreement will be negotiated between the parties, but the transfer of investment sums must be completed within 30 days of receiving an approval letter.

For a single applicant or a family of four or fewer:

- Processing fees: US$30,000

For a family of five or more:

- Processing fees: US$30,000 plus US$15,000 for each additional dependent.