Benefits & FAQs


FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Grenada located? 

Grenada is located in the Caribbean Sea at the following coordinates: 12°03′N 61°45′W. This means that Grenada is twelve degrees and three minutes north of the Equator.

May I apply for citizenship with my family? 

Yes, you may apply for citizenship with your wife or husband, dependent children, and dependent parents. Fees for family members vary according to the number of family members included in a citizenship application.

Do I need to visit Grenada as part of the citizenship application process? 

No, you do not need to visit Grenada before, during, or after the application process.

Must I renounce my current citizenship and passport to receive Grenadian Citizenship? 

No, Grenada allows dual citizenship, and you thus do not need to renounce any other citizenship or passport.

When will I receive Grenadian citizenship following an application through the Citizenship by Investment Programme? 

Your application for Citizenship by Investment will be approved within 60 business days of submission (subject to a satisfactory due diligence check and the funds being received). You may apply for a passport shortly after. Passports are issued within days of the request.

For how many years is a Grenadian passport valid? 

All Grenadian passports are valid for five years.

How do I renew my passport once it expires? 

Grenadian passports can be renewed in the Grenadian Consulate in London, or directly through the Grenadian Passport and Immigration Office. 

How can I be sure that my passport will be renewed upon expiry? 

Under Grenadian law, citizens are entitled to a passport. This means that citizens cannot be denied a passport and thus that your passport will be renewed.

How does Grenadian citizenship help my child’s education? 

Grenada is home to the best United States offshore university – St George’s University. It is one of the finest medical, veterinary, and arts and sciences schools, and graduates train in some of the top hospitals in the United States and the United Kingdom. It is internationally accredited and currently has 6,000 students for over 140 countries.

What is the Commonwealth of Nations? 

The Commonwealth of Nations, often referred to as the Commonwealth, and formerly known as the British Commonwealth, is an intergovernmental organisation of 54 independent member states. Queen Elisabeth II, the current Queen of the United Kingdom, is the titular head of the Commonwealth of Nations.

How does Grenada being a part of the Commonwealth of Nations help me? 

Being a citizen of a member of the Commonwealth of Nations brings several benefits. For example, you will be able to travel easily across member states, you will be protected by the embassies and commissions of other member states across the globe, and you will be eligible for certain sporting activities (the Commonwealth Games).

How is Grenada’s economic outlook? 

Grenada’s economy is expanding in the tourism, agriculture, and manufacturing sectors. As part of the Easter Caribbean Central Bank and currency system, its currency is stable, secure, and tied to the United States dollar. Business can also be conducted in United States dollars. There are no taxes on the repatriation of profit.