Citizenship by Investment Rankings 2024

Top citizenship by investment program in 2024

1- Grenada

2- Saint Lucia 

3- Antigua & Barbuda

4- Saint Kitts & Nevis

5- Dominica

6- Malta

7- Turkey

8- North Macedonia 

9- Vanuatu

10- Egypt

11- Samoa

12- Jordan

Overview of Top CBI Programs Rankings 2024

Each year, we release our highly anticipated rankings of the most popular and preferred Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Programs. This year marks the fifth edition of our rankings for 2024.

Our unique PBS (Points Based Scoring) model, designed exclusively by us, evaluates the Best CBIs based on over 30 critical factors that investors and their families consider when selecting their preferred citizenship by investment program.

Key Highlights from the Top CBI Rankings

Caribbean nations have notably excelled in our 2024 Best CBI rankings, particularly for their affordability, friendly policies, and the strength of their passport benefits. As of 2024, there are 12 nations actively running official CBI programs. Annual developments and policy changes significantly influence these rankings.

Top Performers in 2024

Grenada retains its top position, offering comprehensive benefits such as visa-free access to over 140 countries, including China. It remains highly attractive to families seeking inclusive options and the benefits of an E-2 US investor visa.

St. Lucia secures second place, benefiting from recent enhancements in visa waivers, particularly with Canada.

Antigua & Barbuda moves up to third place, demonstrating improvements in its overall ranking.

Program Changes and Impact

Moldova, Montenegro, Cyprus, and Bulgaria have discontinued their CBI programs, affecting their standings in our rankings.

St. Kitts and Nevis drops to fourth place due to increased pricing and regulatory changes aimed at program sustainability.

Turkey, ranked seventh, faces challenges such as high investment thresholds and recent regulatory tightening.

Malta leads in due diligence standards but scores lower due to high costs and limited investment options beyond donation-based CBI.

Additional Insights

Our ranking model considers a wide array of factors, each weighted according to its significance:

1- Pricing Affordability

2- Real Estate Investment Options

3- Popularity

4- Government Securities/Bonds

5- Safety Scores

6- Visa-Free Access (including the BIG-5 nations)

7- Wealth Indicators (GDP per capita)

8- Processing TimelSpeed

9- Residence Conditions*

10- Rights to Vote and the right to be hiried in Public Offices

11- EU Citizenship Rights

12- E-2 Treaty with the United States

13- Transparency and Confidentiality

14- Global Due Diligence Standards

15- Passport Validity

16- Family Inclusion

17- CBI E-platform Accessibility

18- Biometric Passport Availability

19- Education Rank & Healthcare Rank

20- Tax free status

This summary provides a comprehensive view of our 2024 Top CBI Programs Rankings, offering clarity and valuable information to investors navigating citizenship acquisition through investment.

For more specific details feel free to contact us !