Grenada Citizenship by Investment

Grenada, known as the ‘Isle of Spice,’ is one of the most magnificent islands in the West Indies. Unspoilt and exotic, it astounds visitors with its wildly jagged mountain peaks, hidden coves, spice plantations, and lush verdant rainforests. Its beaches are idyllic, with white or golden sand, palm trees, and the delicate aroma of the island’s native spices.

In addition to its scenery, Grenada offers culture, fun, and friendliness typical of the authentic Caribbean life – making Grenada the perfect place in which to live, work and play.

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The Citizenship by Investment Programme came into being in August 2013, when the Grenadian Parliament passed Act No. 15 of 2013, otherwise referred to as the ‘Grenada Citizenship by Investment Act, 2013.’
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Grenada allows individuals to hold dual citizenship, and citizenship may be extended to family members, such as a spouse, dependent children, and dependent parents.

An applicant for citizenship must fulfil the personal requirements established under the Grenada Citizenship by Investment Act, 2013.

Online Application Submission Portal for Authorized Agents.



One time donation to Government


Shares in Five star resorts

In addition to fulfilling personal requirements, applicants must also choose between two potential routes for citizenship:

A contribution of $235,000 must be made by the main applicant to the National Transformation Fund (NFT). The amount of the contribution is $200.000 for a family of four (The main applicant, the spouse and two people legally supported by the main applicant). The applicant must make a contribution of $25.000 for each additional legally supported individual. 

The minimum contribution for the main applicant and his family (the spouse and two others legally dependent on the main applicant) is $270,000. 

Discover Grenada: The Isle of Spice

Historical Roots

Natural Beauty

Island Diversity

Grenada's Thriving Economy

Diverse Sectors

Benefits of Grenadian Citizenship

Top-Rated CBI

Global Mobility

Streamlined Process

Updated Citizenship by Investment Program

New Pricing Structure

Investment Options

Eligibility Criteria

Recent CBI Amendments

CBI Fees

Additional fees apply, including due diligence, government, and passport fees

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