You want to set up and run an innovative business in the UK - it must be something that’s different from anything else on the market.

Our expert UK immigration and work visa lawyers can assist you with your UK Innovator Visa application. You can now apply with a minimum investment of £50000 (reduced from £200,000). A new route is being introduced to replace an existing route of Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) category. This category is aimed at more experienced business people seeking to establish a business in the UK. 

The UK Innovator Visa is a UK visa category usually for experienced businesspeople to set up an innovative business.  The investment requirement is £50,000 and you need to be endorsed by an endorsing body. Applicants are required to have an innovative, viable and scalable business idea which is supported by an endorsing body. 

Innovators must work entirely on developing their business ventures and may not take on other employment outside their business. This includes anything which effectively amounts to employment, such as using their own business to hire out their labour to another employer. 

Successful Innovators are granted leave for 3 years at a time and can bring their family members to the UK. After 3 years, Innovators can apply to extend their stay for a further 3 years or to settle permanently in the UK. Each of these 3 stages (initial application, extension, settlement) requires endorsement from an endorsing body. 

Requirements for entry clearance and Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR):

The applicant must be at least 18 years old. 

Credibility assessment

The decision maker must be satisfied that all of the following requirements are met:

The decision maker will take into account any endorsement of the applicant required under these Worker rules, and may also take into account any or all of the following factors:

The decision maker may ask the applicant to attend an interview or to provide additional information. The requested documents must be received at the specified address within 20 working days of the date of the request. 


A- All applicants for entry clearance, indefinite leave to remain must have been endorsed in this category by an endorsing body listed on the website.

B- The applicant must provide an endorsement letter, issued by the endorsing body, which includes all of the following information:

C- if the endorsement is under the new business criteria, the applicant will not need to provide the evidence in paragraph W6.5 below for any investment funds where the endorsement letter confirms:

1- the endorsing body is providing the funds

2- the endorsing body has verified the funds are available from other sources (including the applicant themselves)

3- the endorsing body has verified that the funds have already been invested in the applicant’s business

D- The applicant does not need to be the sole founder of the business and may be a member of an entrepreneurial team.

E- If the applicant’s last grant of leave was in the Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur), Start-up or Innovator category, the endorsement does not need to be from the same endorsing body as the endorsement which led to that grant of leave.

F- The endorsing body must not have withdrawn the endorsement by the time the application is considered by the decision maker.

Endorsement criteria – new business

If the applicant is relying on endorsement under the new business criteria, the endorsement letter must confirm both of the following: 

1st- The applicant’s business venture meets all of the requirements in the table below:


The applicant has a genuine, original business plan that meets new or existing market needs and/or creates a competitive advantage, must be an original business idea which is different from anything else on the market 

Viability, with potential for growth 

The applicant has the necessary skills, knowledge, experience and market awareness to successfully run the business. 


There is evidence of structured planning and of potential for job creation and growth into national and international markets.

2nd- The endorsing body is reasonably satisfied that the applicant will spend their entire working time in the UK on developing business ventures.

Maintenance funds

For entry clearance, an applicant must show they have at least £945 of available funds, plus £630 funds for each dependant.

The applicant does not need to provide evidence of maintenance funds if the letter from their endorsing body confirms that they have been awarded at least £945 (this must be in addition to the £50,000 investment funds).

English language

The applicant must have good command of English to be able to communicate with variety of business organisations and potential customers. This can be demonstrated by one of the following: